Assist disabled people with adequate services.

Pordenone Fiere - servizi e parcheggi

Pordenone Fiere, in addition to ensuring exhibition layouts and visitor routes free of architectural barriers, provides a complete system of services for people with disabilities.

The company provides visitors and exhibitors with mobility limitations with suitable aids and vehicles, including 5 wheelchairs and 2 light electric quadricycles (birò). It also offers a qualified guidance service for visually impaired or hearing-impaired visitors.

The Zuliani Conference Room is equipped with an assistance system to improve hearing for hearing-impaired people. The system connects to the compatible hearing aid and is activated when the person enters the room.

Visitor access conditions for events organized directly or co-organized by Pordenone Fiere

  • Disabled: with Disability Card or equivalent documentation, to be physically presented at the ticket counters, FREE ticket, accompanying person REDUCED ticket.
  • Disabled with disability up to 66%: REDUCED ticket.