ART. 1 Definitions
Organizer: Pordenone Fiere Spa.
Valid document ticket regularly purchased or supplied, in various ways, by the Organizer and whose presentation allows the holder to access the exhibition/event in progress at the location appointed for it (hereinafter, simply, the location), at the dates and times therein indicated. The Ticket must be exhibited at the time of entry, whole, to the reception staff and must be kept for the entire stay at the location.
Ticket Buyer: the person who buys the Ticket from the Organizer.
Ticket Holder: the Ticket Buyer and / or anyone exhibits or is in possession of the Ticket.
Professional operator: the subject who, professionally, carries out activities in the sectors covered by the exhibition / event.
2.1 The price of the Tickets corresponds to the face value indicated on the Ticket. All prices include I.V.A.
2.2 Tickets may be sold to the Ticket Buyers in several ways, depending on the type of distribution channel selected by the Organizer. Tickets can be made available in paper or electronic format.
3.1 Only holders of valid and regularly purchased or supplied tickets, in various ways (eg invitation coupon), by the Organizer, through official channels are authorized to access the exhibition / event.
3.2 The Organizer is not required to replace Tickets that have been lost, damaged, deteriorated, destroyed, stolen or made illegible.
3.3 It is strictly forbidden to re-sell the Ticket for profit, except in case of special agreements concluded with the organizer by third parties.
3.4 The Ticket, moreover, can not be transferred nor handed over to third parties for commercial, advertising or promotional purposes without prior authorization of the Organizer. In the event that the Tickets were purchased from unauthorized third parties, or in the event that the Ticket was stolen, counterfeited, unreadable, copied, the Ticket Holder will not be entitled the access to the exhibition / event.
4.1 The organizer reserves the right to cancel and / or to reschedule the Exhibitions and / or Events indicated in his calendar.
In this case, the reimbursement of the entry ticket will take place exclusively in the event of cancellation and / or rescheduling by the Organizer in accordance with the norms established by law.
4.2 The Ticket Holder also acknowledges that certain facts such as adverse weather conditions, security and public order reasons, force majeure or other organizational factors not ascribable to the Organizer may result in changes of dates and times of the exhibition / event. The organizer is not held responsible in the event of such occurences.
4.3 The Organizer will not be in any way responsible for any additional costs, charges, expenses or damages incurred by the ticket holder.
5.1 The Ticket Holder is obliged to respect the rules displayed at the entrance and inside the location and on the website, and is obliged to respect the directives that the Organizer deems necessary for technical or organizational reasons and which will be duly communicated.
5.2 To access and stay inside the location, the Ticket Holder must comply with the following provisions:
a. the Ticket Holder accepts and respects these Terms and Conditions;
c. the Ticket Holder must behave in compliance with the regulations governing public order and safety and must not represent a threat to the security of the event in general or to the visiting public.
d. the Ticket Holder must not interrupt or disturb or try to disrupt the regular running of the activities within the exhibition / event;
e. the Ticket Holder, for his own safety and security and that of any minor accompanied by the Ticket Holder himself, is required to pay the utmost attention, to exercise the maximum of caution and diligence within the event and to comply with the notices and behavioural norms displayed inside or near the location.
5.3 Minors may access the fairgrounds only if accompanied by an adult (a person who is at least 18 years of age), except for exhibitions / events that, from time to time, may indicate different specific prohibitions.
5.4 School visits are allowed only if previously booked and only on the days indicated by the Organizer. Non-booked schoolchildren will not be allowed to access to the event.
5.5 In compliance with the Regulations of the Municipality of Pordenone, the Organizer does not permit the entry to animals of any kind, with the exception of dogs. Owners or keepers of any kind of dog, must lead the animal inside the fairground using leash and muzzle, taking care that it does not soil and does not create disturbance or damage.
5.6 Within the location it is not allowed to introduce:
– Guns, firearms and any other instruments that may be offensive or harmful to the physical and / or mental health of individuals (by way of example but not limited to: pistols, explosive devices, pyrotechnic artifices, smoke bombs, toy weapons, reproductions and imitations of firearms that may be mistaken for real weapons, electric shock batons, chemicals, gases and sprays with disabling or immobilizing effects, acids and repellents for animals, knives, blades, cutters, scissors, etc …);
– Trumpets and musical instruments of any kind, when not expressly authorized by the Organizer, megaphones and other systems for the emission or amplification of sounds and other objects that may represent a danger for the safety of the subjects present at the site and may cause disturbance, or damage the regular running of the exhibition / event;
– Narcotics, poisons, harmful substances, flammable materials, paints or other contaminating material.
5.7 The Ticket Holder, as a prerequisite for accessing the Exhibition, gives his consent to safety inspections and to any control activity, even with the use of metal detectors, before and during the visit to the location. In the context of these control and safety activities, in order to prevent the undue introduction to the exhibition / event of materials and substances referred to in paragraph 5.6 of this regulation, the ticket holder may be invited to show the contents of his bags, backpacks or of any other carried baggage or personal object.
5.8 In the exercise of control tasks, the personnel assigned to the security and control services employed by the Organizer, inter alia, may proceed to the following activities:
a. preliminary checks:
– preliminary cursory observation of the places affected by the exhibition / event, to check the presence of any illegal substances or prohibited objects, as well as any other material that may be misused by putting at risk the safety or health of people, with theobligation of immediate communication to police forces and other competent authorities or public structures;
– adoption of any initiative capable to avoid the creation of an obstacle or a hindrance to the accessibility of escape routes and in any case to enable the smooth running of entertainment activities;
b. checks at public access areas:
– overseeing the entrance to the exhibition / event and regulating public flows;
– verification of the possession of a valid access ticket if required and, in the case of a registered ticket or a minimum age required for access, verification of the identity document, and compliance with the provisions governing access;
– visual cursory control of people, aimed at verifying the possible introduction of illegal substances, prohibited objects or material that may in any case be dangerous for public safety or the health of persons, with the obligation to immediately notify the police forces and other Authorities o competent public structures;
c. checks within the areas involved in the exhibition / event:
– generic observation activity to verify compliance with the provisions, regulations or norms of conduct established by public or private entities;
– contribution in the procedures of first intervention, which does not involve the exercise of public functions, nor the use of force or other means of coercion or exposure to risk profiles, aimed at preventing or interrupting behaviours or situations potentially dangerous for the safety or health of people. The obligation of immediate reporting to the Police Forces and to the other competent Authorities or public structures, to which, upon request, the utmost cooperation must be given, remains unaffected.
5.9 Within the location any behavior that may cause dangerous situations and / or put at risk the personal security of the Ticket Holder or third parties and / or any conduct contrary to public order and / or morality is forbidden, and/ or that may, in any way, disrupt the regular progress of the exhibition / event and the activity of the Organizer, including, for example: smoking in areas that are not reserved for this, gambling, unauthorized collection of money , individual or group promotional activity, any kind of advertising or marketing activity carried out by any means and not authorized by the competent office of the Organizer, protests related to trade unions or to political or religious bodies, sale of goods by unauthorized parties or in unauthorized places, ticket sales, transmission and / or registration of unauthorized data, for commercial purposes, through cellular phones I other instruments (cameras, cameras, recorders, etc.), access by unauthorized reporters and journalists with recording equipment and / or cameras, cameras, attempts to access restricted areas, request for money or any other assets without authorization (for example for musical or entertainment activities at the entrance or inside the location, begging, ticket reselling, etc …).
5.10 The violation of the aforementioned provisions will be reported by the Organizer to the competent Authorities. Furthermore, the Organizer reserves the right to request compensation for all damages incurred.
6.1 The Ticket Holder gives his consent to be photographed, filmed or recorded at the location, by the Organizer or third parties appointed by the latter. The Organizer or third parties appointed by him are entitled to broadcast, publish, grant use and use photographs, images, filming, recordings made inside the location and featuring the Ticket Holder without the latter having the right for any remuneration or compensation of any kind. The Organizer or third parties appointed by the latter and anyone who purchases from them the right to use the aforementioned material will not be liable towards the Ticket Holder for whatsoever use of the same material permitted under relevant law.
6.2 The ticket holder, with the purchase of the entrance ticket, also acknowledges that all the external and internal areas of the exhibition centre, for security reasons, are subjected to video surveillance and that the recorded images are treated, as required by the Privacy Guarantor, in accordance with the general regulations on the protection of personal data and the civil and criminal laws on illegal interference in private life. Such images, in case of criminal events or particularly relevant in terms of public order and security, will be made available to the judicial authority or judicial police that is making a specific request.
6.3 Images, video and sound recordings at the location, made by the Ticket Holder with a camera, cameras or audio equipment can not be used except for domestic and private purposes. Therefore, the Ticket Holder can not sell, grant use, broadcast, publish or otherwise exploit such material for commercial purposes.
7.1 These Terms and Conditions, brought to the knowledge of the buyers and other holders of the Ticket through display at the entrance and inside the location and on the website, represent the only contract between the Parties. With the purchase of the ticket (for the buyer) and with the presentation of the ticket upon entry to the reception staff (for the other owners), these Terms and Conditions are confirmed and accepted.
7.2 These Terms and Conditions, written in Italian as the official language, are governed exclusively by Italian law. Any controversy concerning the same will be devolved exclusively to the jurisdiction of the Court of Pordenone.
8.1 The Organizer does not take any responsibility for damages deriving from the Ticket Holder for facts not attributable to the same or for damages caused by the Ticket Holder to third parties and / or their belongings.
8.2 The Organizer can not be held responsible for the consequences deriving from the imprudent or negligent behavior of the Ticket Holder; the Ticket Holder is obliged in any case to observe the utmost diligence and prudence during the visit to the exhibition / event.
8.3 Any accident involving the Ticket Holder must in any case be immediately reported to the supervisory staff for the direct checks on the status of the places and things and for the related documentary certifications; in any case the failure to immediately notify by the Ticket Holder, relieves the Organizer from any possible liability towards the Ticket Holder.
8.4 Furthermore, the Organizer can not be held responsible for any unforeseeable and / or indirect damage suffered by the Ticket holder including, but not limited to, a loss of income, loss of opportunity, loss of turnover, of customers, of data, any financial and commercial damage, any commercial problem or immaterial damage.
- PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATAThe Organizer will keep the personal data provided by the Ticket Buyer and the Ticket Holder, including those provided at the time of access to the Event, strictly confidential. These data will be managed by the Organizer in full compliance with Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, of the 2016/679 EU Regulation and the permissions granted for the sharing of data with the partners when purchasing the Tickets or granted through the visitor profile settings on the Website. The privacy notes are accessible on the Website of the Organizer.
The ticket holder must comply with the special regulations issued for the individual events which, in this context, are intended to be fully enforced.