Letter of the President

2022 was characterized by the tail end of the Covid-19 pandemic, strongly contrasted by the progress in vaccination campaigns, and by a sharp increase in the prices of raw materials and energy. A scenario that has become even more complex by the evolution of the dramatic events linked to the conflict in Ukraine. Furthermore, a profound process of social and technological transformation currently underway has changed and is changing the entire society and the forms in which it expresses itself. It is to respond to these overwhelming changes that Pordenone Fiere, in 2022, has continued to invest in human and organizational capital, that was already implemented in previous years. This has allowed to achieve excellent results in terms of turnover and operating income, also consolidating its strategic positioning, to the benefit of all stakeholders involved in the company’s value creation process. This strategic vision characterizes Pordenone Fiere’s approach to the topic of sustainability and is the founding element of its business model, a system that, for several years now, has amplified objectives and results in terms of positive impact on stakeholders and, at the same time, strengthens its value proposition.
The steps taken towards the development of this approach to integrated sustainability in 2022 were many, both in terms of environmental sustainability and social commitment, in which the Fair’s attention to the realities of its territory was further distinguished. Support for social, cultural and sporting events in the territory was accompanied by economic and financial results that confirm the crucial importance of research, training and digital transformation processes of operational processes and services.
All this is part of a context of growing awareness of the environmental and social risks that the world is experiencing, placing constant and priority attention on the balance of tangible and intangible resources, at the top of which the company places the role of people.
The reporting with the Integrated Report is therefore born from the desire to offer an overall vision of the organization in terms of operations and connect it to the risks and opportunities identified, in a short, medium and long-term perspective.
As already mentioned, it should always be remembered that the basis of our success are people. They are the ones who serve our customers and our communities, develop technology, take strategic decisions together with the board, manage risks, determine investments and drive innovation.
Whatever the vision of future risks and opportunities, being able to boast a solid team of people, cohesive, well-prepared, with moral and ethical integrity and solid technical skills, is what guarantees and will guarantee Pordenone Fiere to achieve the set results.
Ing. Renato Pujatti
President of Pordenone Fiere S.p.a